The Real You Waiting to Come Out by Duane Portee
My friend Duane wrote this on Facebook this week and I loved the message in the writing so much that I had to share it with you all!
Somewhere deep inside there's the real you waiting to come out.
The real you has been stifled by a relationship, marriage, job, religion, title, your community, or the world.
The real you is true because it is never compromised or conforming.
The real you takes risks, is unyielding in it's resolve and lives life to the fullest.
The real you loves unconditionally without prejudice
The real you doesn't care what others think about its socio-economic condition, the house it lives in, the car it drives or the clothes it wears
The real you is fun to be with and is never alone.
The real you knows what it wants and is content, happy and at peace
The real you is found at that moment just before you drift off to sleep because it's the time when your thoughts are the most free.
The real you is worth finding.
The Real you is worth finding, So Be U! Carmen Thomas